All prices are given in euros and include VAT.
There is an additional flat-rate fee for shipping and handling costs.
The types of payment stated in the ThyssenKrupp Collection are accepted.
Delivery, condition of the goods
Deliveries will be made upon receipt of the full purchase price plus
the flat-rate shipping and handling fee. Partial deliveries are permitted
where this is acceptable for the customer.
We reserve the right to make minor, standard changes, in particular
improvements, to the goods up to the time of delivery where this
does not affect the customers' interests to an unreasonable degree.
Minor variances for technical reasons must be accepted.
Generally, deliveries are made only by shipping companies we have
selected using types of shipment we have defined. Where other
shipping companies or types of shipping are desired and accepted by us,
any additional handling/freight costs incurred shall be borne
fully by the customer.
This applies in particular for express delivery.
Charge a flat-rate shipping and handling fee of EURO 9.31.
Additional costs for special handling,
special freight, insurance, etc. are incurred
when shipping to countries outside Germany.
Prepayment by bank transfer
Please transfer the total payment due, to the following account:
Account name: Dicke & Partner GmbH
Name of Bank: Volksbank Dortmund eG
Bank Sorting Code: 441 600 14
Account Number: 6 352 798 500
Reference: ThyssenKrupp + Invoice Number